Pre-Writing LifeWhat was I before I became a writer? I was a daughter and sister, then a wife and mother. Writing took over with a vengeance, interspersed with all the other little obsessions I've entertained through the years.
Childhood involved hiding in the background, praying no one would notice me. Most didn't...that I'm aware of. In 4th grade I won an award for a book I wrote. I was told in 7th grade that I couldn't write. Hmm. To this day, poetry is my nemesis. My love of singing began during infancy. My mom encouraged me to pursue choir once I reached 6th grade. I still love to sing. While hardly Pre-Writing, my other obsession is book cover design. My gallery of designs can be found at My Writerly WorldI started writing over a decade ago. The first two novels I wrote were placed in a “vault" for all time. There they will remain. Two more novels were born. One of those will one day see the light of publication but the other needs rewritten before it can be revealed.
Not too long after that, I wrote my fifth novel, one that I never anticipated publishing. It wasn't until early 2009 that I changed my mind. That book is Honor. The first book I released was Betrayal. I went the self-publishing route, using CreateSpace to print my books. (I was never rejected because I never sent my work to a publisher.) Heartless and Redemption followed soon after that. Then Spellbound hit the virtual shelves a month or so later. Within two months, I had four published novels. As I mentioned before, I never intended Honor to see the light of day. It was after several readers of Betrayal expressed their love for two supporting characters, Connor and Verena, that I decided their story should be released too. So Honor was released in May 2011, all thanks to TreasureLine Publishing. Then there's Heartless. I removed it from the virtual shelves and gave it a makeover, inside and out. It's been released again under TreasureLine Publishing's traditional arm. Redemption and Betrayal received a makeover, too. Spellbound will undergo the same, as well as a title change. Several more Regencies in this "series" are planned, but none have a definite release date yet. But none of that is to the point, is it? Why did I start writing? On a dare. My mother said she suspected that with all the Regency romances I'd read, surely I could write one myself. So I did. Now, years and many reference/nonfiction tomes later, I've fallen in love with this genre from a completely different angle. I used to love the intricacies of the lords and the ladies and now I love every aspect of a time period whose ugliness was often only a pin scratch beneath the glittering surface. Who do I Love?From a totally internet standpoint, the following links belong to those creative types I adore in some way. Please pop by their sites and find out what it is about them that I find so lovable.
Online PresenceWondering where you can find me online? Almost everywhere, although I frequent some places more than others.
Anything you wanna know about me? Drop me a line. jaimeygrant {at} yahoo [dot] com or use my handy contact form. |