Hello again, my lovelies! Welcome back to my blog, my new blog, that is. I'm so glad you're here. ☺ It's Regency Wednesday, and just because my blog has moved and few things will be different, this will not. For this week's post, let's keep it simple. There's this book I have called 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. That's right, let's have another lesson in Regency slang! As always, these are randomly selected. Some may be repeats of previous posts on my previous blog. I try not to do that, but it's inevitable. lol That weirdly long word for some mysterious society stuck out to me. I, of course, looked it up. The only thing I could find was this reference in the 1811 Vulgar Dictionary. So... yeah. Still a mystery. If any of my lovely readers happens to know anything more, please let us all know in the comments! LOL
*Taken verbatim from 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Get the e-book free for your kindle HERE.
Hello, my faithful lovelies! ☺
I've decided to move my author blog here, to my website, in an effort to simplify my life just a bit. I thought it might be nice for all of you to be able to find everything in one convenient place, as well. I'll leave my other blog up so we can all find the articles I've posted there in the past, but from now on, this will be the home of Regency Wednesday, Snippet Saturday, and all my general updates. Thank you, all, so much for being there for me, and for being the lovely, loyal readers and fans that you are. ♥ ♥Happy reading, writing, and blogging!!♥ Now playing in Jaimey's mind... ♫♪ Queen ~ Bohemian Rhapsody |
Let's Connect!Former BlogMy former author blog still exists and has a lot of Regency related posts, as well as story excerpts. Click HERE to check it out.
(Link will open in a new tab or window depending on your browser settings.) I am . . .a mother of two, a writer of Regency romance and short stories of various genres, a book cover designer, a gamer ...and chronic procrastinator. My StoriesConnected Regencies:
♥ My Lady Coward ♥ Honor ♥ Betrayal ♥ Deception ♥ Intrigue ♥ Entangled (Spellbound) ♥ Heartless ♥ Redemption ♥ Forgotten, and other Heartless tales Sable's Morbidly Dark Regency World:
• Crossing the Channel* • Unwilling Protector* • Assassin's Keeper Non-Regency Stories:
• The Dragon's Birth • Stalker • The Fold • Survival • Chosen* • Sunset* *Link will open in a new tab or window, taking you away from this site. Blog Followersadvertising...
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