While perusing the 1815 edition of Ackermann's, I stumbled across this delightful window. I just adore this color! So of course, I had to share.
"The manufacture of silks on which devices are interwoven in gradation of tints, and in the way which is termed shot, in harmony with the colour of the ground, afford a tasteful material for the furniture of the drawing-room and the boudoir. It is introduced in the plate for this month, which is intended to exhibit the furniture of a window, possessing the various parts to which the fashion of the day has given sanction, and forming a whole of peculiarly chaste and elegant character. The drapery is of azure blue, edged with the bullion fringe, or one of those excellent imitations of it which so readily deceive the eye even of the connoisseur. The metal pins are omitted, and the curtains are festooned by silken cords, embellished by tassels, which pass behind the cornice hangings: the rod and its ornaments are of metal, and the ground on which it stands is of matt gilding."*
*Taken verbatim from Ackermann's Repository, March 1815, p. 179. Get the Google e-book HERE.
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